The Dream Center and Emerald Studios are holding a clothing drive to launch The Dream Center's newest division, Soul Sisters - a new program designed to help women in need rebuild their lives and their confidence.
In order to ensure the clothing drive supports women in all walks of life, the Dream Center is partnering with Faith Hovde of Emerald Studios to support not only the women who will be receiving donations but also the women who will be providing them.
Faith will be posting weekly videos walking through a process to help women strategically clean out their closets so that they love everything, align their image with their strengths and begin revealing who they are without having to say a word.
3 Goals of the initiative:
Support the launch of Soul Sisters being launched by Dream Center to support women who are beautiful, but can’t see it yet -- have the resources and encouragement to rebuild their lives.
Help women in the Tri Cities clean out their closets so they can feel good about what they are wearing and destress their morning routine - did you know the average women only wears about 20% of their clothes AND spends an average of 16 minutes a day deciding what to wear?
Empower women of all walks of life to embrace their beauty and align their image with their strengths because half of women report feeling dissatisfied with how they look and women are 3x more likely than men to feel negatively about their appearance.
How the Purge For A Purpose drive works:
Faith, with Emerald Studios, will be providing an 8 week series to help women clean out their closets and align their image with their strengths.
The campaign will encourage women to donate the clothes that no longer serve them to the Dream Center. The Dream Center plans to use the donations to provide clothing options for women in our local community who are need of clean, nice and functional clothes as one part of rebuilding their confidence and their lives.
To inspire women to lift each other up, Emerald Studios will also be giving away a style makeove/closet audit to one lovely lady! If you have a women in your life, who is lacking confidence, needs a boost and whose image doesn’t currently reflect who great they are - go to and nominate them for a closet audit with Faith.
Get involved!
1. Follow Emerald Studios on Facebook and follow along with the weekly Purge For A Purpose videos.
2. Sign up for Emerald Studios Newsletter in case you miss a video or don't have facebook, we will deliver it straight to you!
3. Every week put aside the clothing that you have purged
4. Bring your purged clothing to Emerald Studios, you can bring it every week or at the end of the series.
3311 W Clearwater Avenue Suite B170, Kennewick, WA 99336
5. Nominate a woman that you know that could use a confidence boost and whose image doesn't align with how amazing she is on the inside CLICK HERE FOR NOMINATION FORM
6. Support The Tricities Dream Center and Soul Sisters however you can! Go to their website to find volunteer opportunities